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chaozhou three-circle(group)co.,ltd

Company Profile
TCG was founded in 1970 as a state owned enterprise, and reorganized into incorporation in 1992. In 1999 TCG has enforced MBO and became a stock corporation of employees-shareholding. Currently TCG covers a land area of 180 thousand Sqms and building area 110 thousand Sqms, owning capital RMB450 million (U$54.41million).

Contact Us
Company: chaozhou three-circle(group)co.,ltd
Contact: Ms. eve liu
Address: Rm 301. donghuifenyun , pingjiang scien-tech, incubation park, NO 78 EASTHUI RD,PINGJINAG DISTRICT, SUZHOU CITY 215001, JIANGSU
Postcode: 215001
Tel: 0086 -512-67532341
Fax: 0086-512-67534933

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Tel : 0086 -512-67532341 Fax : 0086-512-67534933
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